About Us

About Coffee Break Lovers
Coffee Break Lovers was created out of our desire to make the best cup of coffee possible. We had a ton of questions on everything from the best brewers to use, the best beans and even the optimal coffee-brewing process.
And we figured, if we had these questions, then you might have them too!
So, we created this site to document our research and experiments and to answer as many coffee-related questions as we can. We hope you find something here to help you improve your home-brewed coffee!
We're here to help you brew the best coffee ever.
About Idalmis

Idalmis was born in Cuba and originally went to school to be a nurse. She’s spent the majority of her career working in the medical field both in Cuba and Spain before getting her MBA and moving to the U.S.
During her years in Cuba and Spain, Idalmis developed a passion for coffee. She, of course, loves the traditional Cuban coffee she grew up with, but she also enjoyed Spain’s coffee culture and learned a lot about coffee there as well.
After moving to the U.S. she realized that the American coffee culture is completely different from what she was accustomed to in Spain. Instead of the espressos and cortados that are sold in cafes on every street corner, Idalmis encountered the large sugary coffee drinks available at Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts.
So, in an effort to recreate her favorite coffees and try different brewing methods, Idalmis started making her own coffee at home. By talking to people, doing research and lots of trial and error, she was able to develop a deep understanding of all things coffee related.
About Oliver

Oliver grew up in Florida and when he wasn’t in school, he was either gaming or online. At university he studied Computer Science but eventually switched over to accounting.
He wasn’t a big coffee drinker until he began his career, and his go-to drink was the Cuban-style coffee that’s popular throughout South Florida.
After meeting Idalmis, he started to gain an appreciation for different types of coffee and became eager to try coffees from every region. Currently, his favorite type of coffee is Ethiopian, Rwandan and Kenyan coffees.
Oliver also loves to ask questions and try different things with coffee. For example;
“Can we make cold brew coffee with milk?” and
“I wonder if it would taste good if we brewed the coffee grounds with cocoa powder mixed in?”
These types of questions lead to us trying it out for ourselves which usually ends up in a blog post.